Category Archives: friends

home sweet home

Well I must apologize for the lack of writing. I am far too lazy. Given the choice between sitting here and reading random crap on the internet versus writing about my trip, I chose the easier one…haha
There’s just too much to tell! I know some of you are waiting to hear, especially those who I won’t be seeing for a long time in Ontario, I promise to try and get something up here soon!

In the meantime, I’m almost done going through all my photos from my trip and have begun posting them on I’ll post a photo every day for the next while until I run out. I took a good 3-4k photos in 2 weeks so it should keep me going for a while. On the side, I have checked our d300 and the pro-lenses in for a warranty check/service and cleaning with Nikon Canada. All free 🙂

Also, While I was away, I saw this post by a local Vancouver Police officer. It pretty sums up my drives to Whistler. Very frustrating….and annoying. When driving on a highway, keep your eye on who’s behind you and move over for them…please! You might prevent an accident from happening! [click]

That’s all for now, I will be starting with NBC a week today!

Behind the Blue Line >> Can you Answer This?

blogging delays – too busy in the motherland!

I did mention that I’d try and keep my blog updated with my travels in Asia but that has kinda failed.

In Hong Kong, I was pretty much busy with wedding stuff and seeing family that the only time I was on the computer was in the morning or late at night. Most of that time was spent catching up on email and other stuff too.

I am currently in Shanghai but will be heading off to Beijing tomorrow. The flights between Hong Kong/Shanghai and Shanghai/Beijing are short enough that I don’t really have enough time to write anything between them as well. I should also mention, that the internet in the hotel that I’m staying at is very slow, and we are also behind the “great FIREWALL of China” so I am unable to access certain sites (facebook..oh pitty…twitter, certain news sites). I should probably be careful what I post until I get home though, just in case….you never know.

I will most likely start posting my experiences during the final days of my trip and dispersed for the days following my return to Vancouver. I do have an 11 hour flight to do some blogging on. Other than that, everything is good and I have a ton of photos to go through.

where the heck is heston?

I know I haven’t updated my blog in a long time. I’ve been busy!

What have I been doing? Here’s a basic run-down.

I finished working at Summer at St. George’s on August 14th. I then had family in town and was busy shuttling people around. Sometime around then I decided to install windows 7 on my desktop and laptop. More to come from that story later!

On Sept 3rd, I flew out to Ontario to visit friends at the University of Guelph. I subsequently went to London, Ontario and stayed with friends who go to western there.

I returned to Vancouver on the 22nd and am now just bumming around and doing tons of maintenance my servers and network.

Why am I not in school? Well I’m taking the year off to work for the Olympics. I’ll tell you more in the next post!!