Tag Archives: support

Less Robots! More Humans – A friend’s presentation at SXSW

One of my friends and ex-coworker at CCS, Jon Spenceley, was recently on a panel at SXSW about new generation of call centre along with social media. He currently works for Freshbooks in Toronto as one of the lead customer support agents.

He led a panel of support executives from RIM, Comcast and Rackspace. Although they have varying stories and experience, they all explained their different ways of eliminating old call-centre metrics and how each one of them has increased customer support satisfaction through different methods of support.

The main theme of the panel is #lessrobots and #morehumans. Although some of their principals and procedures may only work in specific environments. Perhaps some of these ways will be implemented to many more companies in the future and help transform the negative views when calling a company’s support line for help.

If you’re interested in any form of customer service whether it be through social media or a traditional call centre, I’d recommend you listen to what they have to say!

SXSW – Kill your call centre! Bring your support home!

If you’d like to download an MP3 version to listen while on the go, Right-click here and save target as!