Quick little update….
My friend Unekwu Shaibu finally go this website going: 2ku4u.com
The url speaks for itself…he just is…2ku4u
My other buddy Vince finally also got his rolling again. check em out!
Quick little update….
My friend Unekwu Shaibu finally go this website going: 2ku4u.com
The url speaks for itself…he just is…2ku4u
My other buddy Vince finally also got his rolling again. check em out!
Lack of updates! I know..no excuses, I’ve been busy….kinda. More of my friends are back and so I’ve been out and about. Also, I think I am just blog-lazy if that’s even a term. In reality, I’m really not on the computer as much now than I am when in Guelph. There’s just that much more to do here 🙂
Just over a month ago, I mentioned that one of my friends, Garrett Reynolds and his buddy Dylan, are riding across Canada via bike. Well their adventure started a few weeks ago Wednesday (May 6th, 2009) when they landed in Victoria, B.C.
They landed here in Vancouver on Saturday, May 9th. I biked from my place to Stanley Park to meet them since I figured they’d get lost trying to find my house. We promptly found some all-you-can-eat sushi at Tampopo, on the corner of Pendrell and Denman. We brought 3 bikes right to the top floor since we didn’t feel safe locking them outside with of their equipment. Garrett had his first slice of sashmi and Dylan was able to fullfill his Ontario-long crave for Japanese food!
Garrett and Dylan stayed a night over here, allowing them to relax and regroup after biking the island. We did a MEC trip as well as a visit to Tom Lee Music to equip Dylan with a harmonica.
They’ve now been on the road for about 2.5 weeks and are recently just passed Nelson, BC. I’m pretty sure they’ve seen a variety of BC weather even though it is mid-late may. I do recall relaying some weather reports before they entered Manning Park; snow at elevations of 1700m! And the regular BC weather, rain…next 5 days! Prepare to never be dry.
Once again, their website is www.canadianodyssey.ca and you can also follow them on twitter
This past monday, May 4th, one of my ex-co-workers from CCS at the University of Guelph was enroute to Taipei with his sister. They were flying standby so they were forced to take a flight from Toronto to Vancouver via WestJet, then transfer onto a China Airlines flight direct to Taipei.
I worked with Tim Lee for an entire year at the IT Helpdesk. He graduated in April 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in bio-med. Anyways, if it weren’t for twitter, I would have never had known he was here.
I believe that his is far more addicted to twitter than I am!
To keep this short. I whipped out my blackberry and messaged him via blackberry messenger and we quickly found something to do even though we only had about 2 hours before he needed to check-in for his 14-hour flight to Taipei.
Unfortunately it was a super wet and rainy night in Vancouver, but we made the most of it. I took him for a quick bite to eat at Hons Wun-Tun House in Richmond, then gave them a quick tour of the Richmond Olympic Speed Skating Oval on the way back to the Airport.
It was a very quick but lovely visit. Hopefully he’ll be back soon so I can give him a quick update of Vancouver’s last few year’s of construction and Olympic fever.
Tim is currently in Taipei and you can follow him on his twitter as well as his blog.